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A sore throat is very painful with scratchy irritation that worsens when swallowing commonly caused by viral colds or the flu. Other causes such as tonsillitis, strep throat & mono may require antibiotics. Additional factors can include smoking, mouth breathing while sleeping or allergies to pets, pollens & molds. General anesthesia during surgery can also cause a sore throat.


Symptoms may include: Pain while swallowing/eating/talking, a cough, swollen glands or tonsils, white spots on your throat, runny nose, hoarse voice, sneezing, fever or body aches. Medical Links, Learn More >



Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) occurs when the upper portion of the digestive tract is not functioning properly, causing stomach contents to back flow into the muscular tube linking the mouth to the stomach (esophagus.) Symptoms may include: heartburn, sensation of food back flowing into the mouth, persistent sore throat, hoarseness, chronic coughing, difficult/pain swallowing, asthma, unexplained chest pain, bad breath, feeling of a lump in the throat & an uncomfortable fullness after meals. This affects 13-29% of the population.  Medical Links, Learn More >


Barrett’s esophagus is a condition which the lining of the esophagus changes, becoming more like the lining of the small intestine rather than the esophagus. This change occurs where the esophagus is joined to the stomach. Barrett’s may develop due to chronic inflammation from GERD.  Medical Links, Learn More >



Tobacco use can cause mouth sores that most likely result from exposure to the irritants, toxins & carcinogens found naturally in tobacco products, but may also result from the drying effects on the lining of the mouth. In addition, clinical studies & support forums warn people that elect to stop using smokeless tobacco or smoking are likely to develop mouth ulcers & cold symptoms for up to 2-6 weeks after quitting. According to reports, mouth ulcers were greater/prevalent in more dependent smokers & the occurrence of ulcers correlated directly to other tobacco withdrawal symptoms. Results confirm mouth sores are a common result that affect 2 out of 5 quitters. Studies indicate patients should be reassured that the lesions are a result of abstaining & not a side-effect of smoking cessation medication. Medical Links
NCBI Study >   BMJ Tobacco Journal Study
BBC News Report >     
Smoke Support >  Kill the Can.Org Support >

“My son came home from college this fall with severe tonsillitis and strep throat. He could barely swallow water due to the severe pain. After two days of taking the Soothie Frost popsicles AND before any antibiotics were administered, he stated that he had significant relief and was actually able to eat soup and drink without grimacing. I am a Sr. Executive for one of the largest pharmaceuticals companies in the world, but I can tell you I am a believer in the drug free Soothie Frost products!”  - B. F.

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