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Soothie frost Mucositis Stomatis


Drug Free Patented ICE POPs
Nutritional Oral Tissue Supplement

Immunity Boosting Benefits ~ Multi-Action Results ~ Synergistically Formulation

According to the Oral Cancer Foundation, oral mucositis is probably the most common, debilitating complication of cancer treatments, particularly chemotherapy & radiation. Mucositis (mouth sores) is a severe adverse complication of chemotherapy & radiation treatments. OM is an inflammatory reaction of the mucous lining of the upper gastrointestinal tract from the mouth to the bowels, which is characterized by painful ulcerations of the mouth, lips, throat & digestive tract lining. Mucositis has a very significant effect on the patient's quality of life & leads to several problems: open sore pain, inability to eat/nutritional concerns & increased risk of infection. This painful side effect can result in treatment interruption, dose reductions or even treatment discontinuation.

Signs of Mucositis (OM):  
-Red, shiny sores or swelling in the mouth: gums, tongue or throat
-Soreness, dryness, mild burning, blood or pain in the mouth or throat cavity

-Pain & difficulty swallowing, talking or eating
-Soft, whitish patches, pus in the mouth or increased mucus/saliva


Chemotherapy Oral Mucositis:
Oral mucositis is estimated to occur in 20% - 40% of patients receiving conventional chemotherapy & up to 80% of patients receiving high-dose chemotherapy. When caused by chemotherapy, mucositis is usually due to the low white blood cell count.

Approximate Timing Following Chemo:  Onset of signs - Shortly after administration | Peak - 7 to 14 days | Resolution - 14 to 21 Days


Radiation Oral Mucositis:

Patients receiving radiation to the head, neck, or chest areas & patients who undergo bone marrow or stem cell transplant, are even more likely to develop OM. Nearly all patients receiving fractionated radiation for head & neck cancers experience OM. When caused by radiation, OM is usually due to the necrotic & inflammatory effect of radiation energy on oral mucosa.

Approximate Timing Following Radiation: Onset of signs - 2 to 3 wks after treatment |  Peak - Continuous throughout treatment | Resolution - 2 to 4 weeks after last done

Be Sore Savvy, Cold Sores Medical Links:

Cancer Gifts
More Reviews & Results Below >

I am so pleased to recommend Soothie Frost. One of my colorectal cancer patients shared:
“When I tried the pop it was cooling and soothing like an aloe blanket for my mouth.”
Kim Dalzell PhD. RD. Cancer Nutrition IQ

Review Testimonials from Verified Cancer Related ~ Oral Mucositis Users: 
Gift for People in Pain

I am so pleased to recommend Soothie Frost. One of my colorectal cancer patients shared:  “When I tried the pop it was cooling and soothing like an aloe blanket for my mouth.” - Kim Dalzell PhD. RD. Cancer Nutrition IQ"

As a cancer patient
receiving chemotherapy I truly cannot say enough about this wonderful product. My mouth sores were unbearable but the SOOTHIES help me through it. It's an outstanding product and I highly recommend SOOTHIES to anyone with any kind of mouth sores. Outstanding product. A+ all the way!”  - L. T. C.      

Cancer Journey

"My family member is undergoing breast cancer treatments and she swears by Soothie Frost. The chemo treatments are really tough on her. But she LOVES Soothie!!! Thank you for developing it!"   - M. O. 

"I started a new cancer medication and a side effect is mouth sores. My sores were constant. I could only eat small bites of soft, non-salty food. When I started Soothie Frost, I had 10 canker sores and 2 cold sores that ranged from pea to bean size. After consuming a Soothie Frost I felt immediate relief, it lasted longer, relief was 3-4 hours. The “miracle mouthwash” from the doctor only lasted thirty minutes. I noticed a reduction of the sores the next day! No sores would form from the treatment, however after 8 weeks, I have had no sores for 2 weeks so far." - K. B.    


"I had a surgery. I noticed the day of & the day after that I had a sore throat from the intubation tube, plus a busted swollen lip. The lip began to swell. I remembered we had some SF in the freezer for my daughter’s lip ulcers/cold sores. Two days after my surgery, I used two pops one each day. I rubbed it on my lip & then ate the pop. I did the same thing the next day. By day four, I didn’t have to use anymore. The swelling had gone down.The discomfort was gone. Very happy I remembered I had them!"  - A. R.


"I can’t tell you how many times in those first years that Soothie Frost helped my wife deal with side effects from chemo pills.  She relished the product and she was still promoting Soothie Frost to everyone she thought needed it.Thank you for taking care of my sweetie when she needed it most." - M. B.

"I’m doing chemo treatments and this causes sores in your mouth. These need to be available in cancer centers for the patients. Soothie Frost gave me tons of immediate relief and after about 4 days my dime size sores went down in size and around day 6 they were gone. I still suck on one a day until I’m off chemo just to be safe."   - T. W. 

"My uncle is under going chemotherapy treatments due to esophagus cancer, plus he also suffers from Barrett’s esophagus. As a result, he has no lining of his esophagus. We encourage him to take Soothie Frost daily for health benefits as he needs these nutrients and vitamins, since his throat is very sensitive to pain. A side effect of his chemotherapy treatment is extreme sensitivity to cold, so we administer the pops to him after they are thawed and at room temperature. He felt immediate relief after his first pop! He will continue to consume daily throughout his treatments." - C. D., APRN, BSN, CLHRP

"My wife suffered through pancreatic cancer and had severe mouth sores from the treatments. She lost her appetite and nothing tasted good to her. It was difficult to find creative ways to get her to eat. She was so frail with no energy. The only thing she would look forward to eating was Soothie Frost, which she fondly called them ‘Slimmies’. This is a tragic disease and there is a huge need for this product."  - L. Y.

"My dear friend lost her battle with cancer and passed away a few weeks ago… Soothie Frost pops did help get rid of her mouth sores, which made her last few days more comfortable."  - D. A.

"My daughter developed mouth sores & they were better in 2 days after she had Soothie Frost!"  - H. K.

"The Soothie pops have come in handy with my nausea with the rounds of chemotherapy."  - A. D. 

"Took my last chemo at the end of December & so happy it’s over.  They said this would be the hardest one to deal with and I guess they were right. The Soothie pops have been lifesavers for me. Something I have discovered, if I eat right one before I go to bed, coats my mouth and it feels so much better the next morning. They also helped when I got thrush after treatment" - R. L.  

"Where was this product when I went through breast cancer? They told us to eat ice chips during our treatment. It was awful!"  - K. E.

“I had dental work done & got a sore in my mouth. My sister gave me Soothie Frost. I tried them & they helped! I have a friend who just started chemo. Her mouth has  broke out in sores. Sending pops to my friend. Excited to be able to help her!” - N. S.

“The pops for my mother who has been battling cancer off and on for the past 20+ years now.  What she is using has stopped working on the spots on her lungs and now she will be using what they originally prescribed when she had her mastectomy. She remembers having mouth sores back then, so we are preparing for them ahead of time!  Thank you for the help.” - J. R.

“I got my second Covid-19 vaccine shot yesterday. I felt the side of my tongue was feeling a slight soreness, so I ate one pop that evening.  I have had no side effects at all from the shot, and my tongue and throat were fine since I had a pop.  I just placed an order to send some to my sister undergoing cancer treatments. Her platelets are so low she even got a blood blister in her mouth this past week. This product really works!” - J. P.

Cancer Mouth Sores

POP with a PURPOSE ~ Love YOU to Life

Created to be Dedicated to provide soothing comfort to cancer patients suffering with mouth sores and oral pain, a debilitating common side effect of chemo & radiation treatments. Inspirationally committed to improve patient’s quality-of-life, nutritional deficiencies & survivorship.

~ Instant Cryo-Therapeutic Relief*  
~ Soothing Protective Repair Barrier* 
~ Reduces Duration of Pain*    
~ Promotes Long-Term Restoration* 

~ Drug Free

Cancer Support

~ Proven Efficacy    ~ Family Approved    ~ Women Owned    ~ USA Made 

Inspiration & Product Origin Story,  FB "Share"  Post

   "As some of you may know, several years ago my 3 year old grand-
daughter was diagnosed with stage IV
neuroblastoma cancer.

Cancer Side Effects

One of the side effects of her chemo treatment caused mouth sores so severe that she could not talk let alone drink or eat. It was very scary and upsetting. One of my good friends, was so moved by my granddaughter’s suffering she decided to find something to help mouth sores.
  ~ Through her tenacious research, testing, talking to experts, etc... my friend invented Soothie frost patented formula! If you or any of your loved ones have any kind of mouth sore, please take a minute to read all of the
testimonials>. I personally have used Soothie frost on my mouth sore and it stopped the pain and healed it in one use.
   The world needs more compassionate, caring people like the creator of this product. I will be forever thankful to her. My granddaughter is now a thriving, vibrant and very active happy little girl enjoying elementary school. She is doing great!"  ~
Grandma  J 's  Update 

Gifted the IDEA ~
🔍 Join the "SORE"-fari Expedition Hunt 🔍 

~ Meet SCOUT ~ (a Fiery-throated hummingbird) partnering with her Best Buddy, PATIENCE (adorned in her faithful coat of many colors). #Together - Purposely Pursuing all people suffering with mouth pain to provide frosty soothing comfort to damaged oral tissue. Inspirationally committed to improve cancer patient’s quality-of-life, nutritional deficiencies and survivorship! #WordofMouth 

Be SORE Savvy - Mucositis, NIH Data>

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